A Special Art Event from Tüpraş and Arter for Children on April 23rd

Tüpraş and Arter have collaborated with the purpose of combining the enthusiasm of April 23rd with art. Tüpraş and Arter, an art institution of Vehbi Koç Foundation, of which Tüpraş is a corporate sponsor, introduce modern art to kids by an online virtual tour program prepared especially for this day.

Tüpraş, the leading industrial corporation of Turkey, continues to launch meaningful projects as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts. Tüpraş combines the enthusiasm of April 23rd with art in this online experience, offered in collaboration with Arter. This event, which was configured online due to pandemics, was made available for everyone, mainly the children through YouTube channel of Tüpraş and Arter.

Tüpraş and Arter, operating since 2010 as an institution of Vehbi Koç Foundation, have created a 20 minutes long video program, which was prepared in a special language for children to train and educate them about all disciplines of art.

All children, who are interested in arts and share the joy of creativity visited Arter through a virtual tour

Arter’s Learning Program team explains the main functional areas of and current exhibitions in Arter’s building in the video for all the children who are interested in art and share the joy of creativity.

Children who tour “Listening Eyes”, “About Celestial Bodies” and “Rain Forest V (variation 3)” exhibitions online and listen to the stories of artworks from the narrator, Dilan Salkaya, an expert museum trainer from Arter Learning Program Team, discover the exhibition areas as well as performance halls, event venues, library, and bookstore of 14 storey building of Arter.

This colored video also includes suggestions for various funny activities that kids can perform at home. Arter’s Collection, composed of a large selection of modern pieces in various fields, such as paintings, films, and photos, includes more than 1,300 artworks of almost 400 artists.

Cultural development of new generations is the goal Tüpraş aims to make a contribution to the cultural development of new generations with this culture and art event that it has organized together with Arter. The event, which was performed with a joyful program for April 23rd, was organized to popularize art among children, to help them create a special bond with art and to improve their art vocabulary. The students that have met together in this culture and art event during the pandemic take a journey in their imaginary world with each modern artwork and have an opportunity to experience abstract thinking methods of modern art.

“Our Energy for the Art”: Arter Tüpraş has undertaken the corporate sponsorship of Arter, which was opened in 2010 as an institution of Vehbi Koç Foundation and moved to its new building in Dolapdere in 2019, for a period of 5 years. Entrance for Arter’s exhibitions is free for everyone on Thursdays thanks to the support of Tüpraş, who made it possible for children and young people to freely meet with modern art. Young people under 24 and members of Arter Beraber can always visit the exhibitions free. This collaboration of Arter and Tüpraş will continue until 2024.

Having included guided online tours in its program during the pandemic, Arter aims to be a live and sustainable culture and life program accessible for everyone.