
The Fight Against Climate Change

How Do We Manage Priorities and Matters Related to Climate Change?

Following our motto Energy to the Future, we continue to advance towards our 2050 Carbon Neutral goal and our Strategic Transition Journey as part of our fight against climate change. 

The flagship of the energy industry, Tüpraş manages existing assets with an eye for sustainable profitability as part of its Strategic Transition Plan to generate the energy of the future. The company also leads transformation towards clean energy by investing in new fields to support transitioning into a low-carbon economy.

Our Efforts to Manage Our Emissions

Global warming, triggered by the increasing amounts of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, is causing climate change and climate crisis. There is a strong scientific consensus that these changes are the result of human activities.

İklim Görsel

In line with our Strategic transition plan, we reduced our emissions and set off to become a carbon-neutral company with a balanced and diversified clean energy portfolio. We follow best practices to reduce emissions stemming from our operations and apply the highest standards.

Emission Reduction (Scope 1 and 2)Emission Reduction (Scope 1 and 2)

A third-party independent organization verifies our Scope 1 and 2 emissions pursuant to the ISO 14064-1 Standard on the Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and we receive limited assurance services within the scope of GHG Protocol.

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022*  
Scope 1 GHG Emissions
(tonnes CO2e/year)
7.249.964 6.103.645 6.172.574 5.724.407 5.865.652 6.396.648
Scope 2 GHG Emissions
(tonnes CO2e/year)
79.386 37.872 32.943 24.518 48.403 55.625
Greenhouse Gas Intensity
(tonnes CO2e/tonnes Crude Oil Processed)
0,26 0,25 0,23 0,25 0,24 0,26
Greenhouse Gas Intensity
(tonnes CO2e/tonnes Charge)
0,24 0,23 0,21 0,23 0,22 0,23

*ISO14064 Data validation process is in progress.

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change monitors the emissions from 31 flues at Tüpraş refineries in real time. We follow best practices to reduce emissions stemming from our operations and apply the highest standards.

Tüpraş derives the energy for its processes from natural gas and refinery gas at the highest possible level. This ensures lower SO2 and particle matter emissions.

We utilize burners that help lower NOx emissions from energy generation in refinery operations, leveraging new technologies in monitoring facility conditions.

Tüpraş takes proactive precautions to prevent potential leaks for the overall goal of reducing VOC (Volatile organic compounds ) emissions and checks for sources of VOC leaks using leak detection and repair (LDAR) technologies. We promote closed sampling systems and use double-walled floating roofs to reduce VOC leaks from tanks. Planned investments include installing Steam Recovery Systems to reduce emissions occurring during the fill. As of 2022 year-end, the steam recovery units began operations in Izmir and Kırıkkale Refineries.

Tüpraş recovers gases rising to the flares and uses them as fuel in furnaces. This process helps reduce the use of natural resources and emissions.