Press Release

To The Attention of the Press and the Public

The attempted coup that our country faced in the evening of 15 July 2016 has targeted the democratic and constitutional Republic of Turkey, our unity and integrity.

The belief in democracy held by our nation, state and forces of law has vanquished and overcome the indefensible coup attempt.

Democracy is the main foundation stone of our Republic, and living under roof of a democratic and constitutional state is the greatest guarantee for the future of our nation.

We need even more common sense, unity and harmony than ever before a swift return to normality.

We would like to express of heartfelt conviction that we will overcome this difficult period as we stand shoulder-to shoulder with our state and our nation. As we ask that God rest the souls of victims of these events, we would like to extend our sympathy to their families and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

With our deepest regards,

Koç Holding A.Ş.