Announcement (4) regarding the incident at Tüpraş İzmir Refinery

Today at 09.25 in Tüpraş İzmir Refinery an explosion took place due to gas jamming in the floating roof naphtha tank during the post-maintenance work carried out.

Five employees from the contractor company who were in charge of maintenance and control at the scene were affected by the explosion. After the first intervention from the Refinery Technical Safety teams, they were carried to the hospital by the Refinery Search and Rescue teams. Unfortunately 4 severely wounded employees could not be saved despite all efforts. One of our employees has minor injuries and is under treatment.

We inform with great sadness that Kemal Şaşmazer, Yusuf Kepenek, Mehmet Karademir and Mehmet Dere lost their lives. May Allah rest their souls in peace. We wish our deepest sympathies and condolences to their families and colleagues.  

We present to public attention.

Corporate Communications Department