

Our Approach to Sustainability

We see sustainability as the building block of all our production, we take an integrated approach to the management of the environmental, social, and governance implications of our operations. We incorporate sustainability into our business processes and corporate culture to promote the concept throughout our value chain for all stakeholders.

We are aware that we have a wide area of influence in the transition to a low-carbon economy. We are transforming our operations to meet the energy needs of the future while adopting a sustainability-based approach to production, aware of our responsibilities towards society and the environment.

Our Materiality Issues in Sustainability

We consider sustainability as a management component and place it at the center of our strategy to transform into the leading carbon-neutral energy company by 2050. We follow the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in our actions to this end.

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Sustainability Management

Pursuing our objective of becoming a leading carbon-neutral energy company, we use resources efficiently in all processes and prioritize investments for a varied and balanced clean energy portfolio.

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Sustainability Performance

Aware of our responsibility regarding our economic, social, and environmental impacts, we manage them following the principle of "generating value" for all stakeholders.

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Our Value Generation Model

We evaluate our environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) activities on Sustainability Indices.

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We provide continuous energy to our country while maintaining strong momentum in our operational and financial results, and we strive to generate sustainable value for our stakeholders and our economy.

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Our Materiality Issues in SustainabilityOur Materiality Issues in Sustainability

Pursuing our objective of becoming a leading carbon-neutral energy company, we use resources efficiently in all processes and prioritize investments for a varied and balanced clean energy portfolio.

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Sustainability ManagementSustainability Management

Aware of our responsibility regarding our economic, social, and environmental impacts, we manage these following the principle of "generating value" for all stakeholders.

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Our Sustainability PerformanceOur Sustainability Performance

Our environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) activities are assessed in Sustainability Indices.

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Our Value Generation ModelOur Value Generation Model

We provide continuous energy to our country while maintaining strong momentum in our operational and financial results, and we strive to generate sustainable value for our stakeholders and our economy.

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The Fight Against Climate Change

The Fight Against Climate Change

We continue to advance towards our 2050 Carbon Neutral goal and our Strategic Transition Journey as part of our fight against climate change. 

We cooperate with national and international institutions and civil society organizations (CSO), notably with Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and actively participate in the fight against climate change. 

Our Environmental Management Policy includes a provision on “Being aware of and contributing to the fight against the negative consequences of climate change,” explicitly affirming our senior management’s commitment to the cause.

You can Read More on the Matter Under the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures and Tüpraş.


Environmental Management

Acknowledging environment and people-oriented policies in all business processes, Tüpraş complies with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in its operations. See the “Environmental Management Policy” tab for more information.

Circular Economy (Waste Management)

The main principle Tüpraş follows in the management of waste from its operations involves the following: primarily minimize the amount of waste, separate and recover waste at the source and dispose unrecovered waste using appropriate methods. We adopt the principles of circular economy and comply with the zero-waste approach in production.


Main approach of Tüpraş is to use water, a precious limited source that gives life to nature, with maximum efficiency, reduce freshwater consumption and waste water through recovery, and discharge of waste without compromising the biodiversity of the receiving environment and by complying with the legal limits and permitted pollution load levels.


Tüpraş, conscious of the consequences of industrial operations on nature, manages all environmental impacts and aims to minimize all damage to living beings from any of its operations.

Global Sustainability Initiatives and Platforms

<p>United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)</p>
<p>United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)</p>
<p>United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights</p>
<p>United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles</p>
<p>United Nations Women HeForShe</p>
<p>United Nations Action Coalition</p>
<p>Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures</p>
Transparent and Inclusive Reporting

Transparent and Inclusive Reporting

We published our first Integrated Report.

Sustainability Reports
Our Sustainability Journey

Our Sustainability Journey

We strive to further improve our sustainability performance.

Our Sustainability Journey