
Transformation Through People and Society

Ethics and Compliance Approach
Diversity, Equality ve Inclusion
Social Investments and Sponsorships
Responsible Value Chain Management

Our Priority: Occupational Health and Safety

The Tüpraş Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) mission is to ensure employees return home safely, while the vision is to achieve better health outcome and greater OHS awareness. To this end, we employ all practices and technologies to ensure individuals prioritize their own safety, then ensure the safety of the people and facilities around them while taking all necessary precautions.

İş Güvenliği

We created the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy and Strategy to ensure the safety of all employees and stakeholders and to cultivate an accident-free working environment in all our operating areas. Our OHS approach primarily aims to prevent and reduce risks in compliance with the standards when possible, or, if not, to minimize them to an acceptable level.

We ensure complete on-site and on-the-job occupational health and safety at our refineries. Our employees are informed about rules and instructions, by which they abide and take necessary precautions.

Tüpraş occupational safety perspective places Employee Health and Safety at the heart of all operations as a priority and integral value.

Please click here to view our Health, Safety and Environment Policy.

Human Rights

Tüpraş follows the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and considers complete compliance with human rights its primary target. We highly prioritize respecting human rights in all our operational regions.

Creating and maintaining a positive and professional work environment for employees is a fundamental principle of Tüpraş. We comply with global principles of ethics in recruitment, promotion, career development, compensation, and fringe benefits. We also respect the rights of our employees to voluntarily establish or join a civil society organization. We do not allow and completely oppose any form of forced labor, child labor, discrimination or abuse. Tüpraş made its commitment clear and official with the Human Rights Policy approved by the Board of Directors early 2021.

Our company’s human rights approach and practices are guided by international standards and principles in all operations.

Please click here to view our Human Rights Policy.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Our company strives to become an inclusive and diversified workplace, a philosophy encapsulated in its motto, “Our Energy for Equality Never Ends.”

Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği

Creating an inclusive workplace, one that provides equal opportunities, is a priority agenda at Tüpraş. As such, we take all necessary precautions to prevent any form of discrimination in our workplace. We take steps to increase the representation of female employees at all levels and to ensure equal opportunity.

We became a signatory to the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) in 2017 and declared to our stakeholders our commitment to become an inclusive workplace in the energy industry. We support our efforts within our company with trailblazing social projects to raise awareness and trigger transformation.

This approach contributes to achieving “Gender Equality”. Furthermore, we established our “Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Committee” in 2021 to systematize and plan out our activities to create a diverse and inclusive workplace at Tüpraş. Through this committee, Tüpraş aims to implement approved principles, monitor the process through audits, and cultivate a living organizational culture to this end.

Diversity Policy
Please click here to view our Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Policy.

Ethics and Compliance Approach

Tüpraş highly values ethics and compliance. Our approach to ethics and compliance is based on complete conformity to laws and regulations, transparency, integrity, justice, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.

Tüpraş Code of Ethics aims to manage corporate compliance risks more efficiently and better respond to compliance expectations by local and international stakeholders. Updated in 2021, Code of Ethics is a set of guiding principles for all Tüpraş employees and business partners (suppliers, customers, contractors, and all agents, subcontractors and consultants acting on behalf of Tüpraş, as well as any other third parties). In addition to the legal obligations of the company, the Code of Ethics covers our responsibilities towards our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, business partners, competitors, and society and humanity.

Please click here to view our Code of Ethics.

Responsible Value Chain Management

Supply Chain Sustainability

In line with our goal of becoming a carbon neutral energy company by 2050, we are working to ensure the continuity and development of the value chain from the supply chain to our customers, and to manage the social and environmental impacts of our value chain with all our strength.

Please click here for the Tüpraş Supplier Relations Management Policy.
Müşteri Yönetimi

Customer Relations Management

Customer satisfaction is a priority value for Tüpraş. Adopting a customer-oriented approach in offering quality products and services, the company commits to offer high-quality, honest, fair, just, and continuously updated digital solutions that are open to requests, complaints, and suggestions.

Tüpraş continuously reviews all sales, delivery, after-sale services, and marketing processes to further improve its customer-oriented sales approach in rapidly changing market conditions. The company places customer requests and expectations at the heart of digitalization and customer experience to ensure the best and fastest response, including continuous after-sale services.

Please click here for the Customer Relations Management Policy.