The Tüpraş Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) mission is to ensure employees return home safely, while the vision is to achieve better health outcome and greater OHS awareness. To this end, we employ all practices and technologies to ensure individuals prioritize their own safety, then ensure the safety of the people and facilities around them while taking all necessary precautions.

We created the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy and Strategy to ensure the safety of all employees and stakeholders and to cultivate an accident-free working environment in all our operating areas. Our OHS approach primarily aims to prevent and reduce risks in compliance with the standards when possible, or, if not, to minimize them to an acceptable level.
We ensure complete on-site and on-the-job occupational health and safety at our refineries. Our employees are informed about rules and instructions, by which they abide and take necessary precautions.
Tüpraş occupational safety perspective places Employee Health and Safety at the heart of all operations as a priority and integral value.