The Governorship of Batman in Collaboration with Batman Municipality, Batman University, Tüpraş and UN Women, Organized a Conference within the Scope of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Welcoming high school and university students, academics, and government employees affiliated with the Governorship of Batman, the event highlighted the human rights violations associated with violence against women. Participants shared their assessments regarding potential solutions and expressed their opinions on the steps that need to be taken.

The Governorship of Batman, with the participation of Türkiye’s leading industrial company Tüpraş, Batman Municipality, Batman University, and UN Women, organized a Conference within the scope of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, starting on November 25, “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women,” and ending on Human Rights Day on December 10.

Organized on November 30 at Batman Hatice Nasıroğlu Conference Hall, the event featured speakers including Ayten Canalp, M.D., the wife of Batman Governor Ekrem Canalp; Prof. Dr. İdris Demir, Ph.D., Rector of Batman University; Assoc. Prof. Mehtap Nasıroğlu Aydın, Director of Women and Family Studies Research and Application Center of Batman University; Sinem Aydın, HeForShe Türkiye coordinator for the UN Women, and Çiler Teber, Head of Tüpraş Corporate Communication.

“A collective effort is imperative to eradicate violence against women.”

In her speech, Dr. Ayten Canalp , the wife of Batman Governor Ekrem Canalp, emphasized that eradicating violence against women necessitates comprehensive awareness and a united effort. Canalp: “Violence against women can only be eliminated through a systematic and organized effort involving a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including government organizations, institutions, civil society, the media, and the private sector. And a collective and multi-faceted struggle is imperative to achieve this goal. Another crucial element is the eradication of enduring prejudices and negative societal attitudes while promoting the idea that violence is not an inevitable fate for women.”

“We will stand unwavering in our commitment to eliminate all forms of violence on this land!”

In his speech, Prof. Dr. İdris Demir, Ph.D., Rector of Batman University recalled notable women in Turkish history since the War of Independence including Nene Hatun, Halime Çavuş, Fatma Refet Angın, and Sabiha Gökçen: “Women of Anatolia will always be on the front line with all their dignity, elegance, virtue, and might. They will not stay a step behind or in anyone's shadow!” Demir further added: “We will strive together for a more prosperous, more virtuous life for the women who raise future generations, teaching them about life, virtue, and patriotism. “We will stand unwavering in our commitment to eliminate all forms of violence on this land!”

“Our primary goal is to create a society free from violence.”

In her speech, Assoc. Prof. Mehtap Nasıroğlu Aydın, Director of the Women and Family Studies Research and Application Center of Batman University , noted that women throughout history, particularly from the 18th century onward, were deprived of human rights to the fullest and were subject to systematic discrimination. Aydın added: “We, at the Women and Family Studies Research and Application Center of Batman University, participate in this period of activism to help stop violence against women. Our primary goal is to raise social awareness and sensitivity to prove the possibility of a society and a world free from violence.”

“There is #NoExcuse for violence against women and girls.”

This year, UN Women Türkiye underscores that violence against women and girls constitutes a human rights violation with the campaign #NoExcuse. Over 16 years spanning from November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to December 10, Human Rights Day, the organization aims to enhance public awareness about existing legislation designed to prevent violence against women and girls, while also advocating for its effective implementation and reinforcement in Türkiye. Sinem Aydın, HeForShe Türkiye Project Coordinator at UN Women, provided the following statement about the campaign: “In Türkiye, all forms of violence against women are illegal, with some classified as crimes and subject to penalties in the Penal Code, Civil Code, and other laws. Law No. 6284 on the Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women is significant for its capacity to efficiently address instances of violence and risks, centering on the well-being of the victim, and establishing a human rights-centered framework. Effective implementation of the law requires a multistakeholder approach. This approach is reinforced by the collaborative efforts of government agencies with civil society organizations focused on women’s issues, drawing upon their valuable experience and fostering direct communication with women, including those who may face intersectional discrimination. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation and there is no excuse for violence.”

“We are courageously forging ahead in the traditionally male-dominated energy industry, and with each stride, we grow stronger.”

Çiler Teber, Corporate Communications Manager at Tüpraş, commented: “As one of the earliest signatories of the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) in Türkiye, Tüpraş claims ‘Our Energy for Equality Never Ends’ and considers an inclusive, fair, and safe working environment that complies with human rights to be an essential element. We have women engineers on staff at each of our refineries. We employ women technicians and operators on our production sites. We are courageously forging ahead in the traditionally male-dominated energy industry, and with each stride, we grow stronger.

Teber further added: “In 2022, we launched the ‘Women in Technology and Innovation’ program to align with our parent organization Koç Holding’s global leadership commitments within the UN Women’s Generation Equality Forum. We pledged to impact 100,000 female students through a range of educational initiatives spanning a five year period. Our program inspires female students to pursue careers in technology and innovation, with the aim of bolstering the representation of women in these fields. With the support of Batman University, we launched the program's inaugural implementation in Batman. Additionally, we have made a commitment to ensure that one out of every two new hires at our company will be a woman. We aim to increase the rate of women employees in Engineering, R&D, Innovation, Service Design, and Information Technologies from 24 percent to 40 percent by 2027.”

Teber also promised continued cooperation with valuable business partners and their limitless energy: “I would like to give thanks, personally and on behalf of my company, first to the Governorship of Batman, and to Batman Municipality, the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services, the Foundation for Social Assistance and Solidarity, the Provincial Directorate of National Education, UN Women, and all those who played a role in making this event possible.”