Tüpraş Continues its Support for Feeding Street Animals

Meeting the need of street animals, which have difficulties in finding food during the pandemics, Tüpraş distributes food to shelters in İzmit, İzmir, Kırıkkale, and Batman refineries in collaboration with municipalities and with the help of volunteering animal lovers. The company, which acts with “Zero Waste” approach in all of its operations, also improves the living conditions of animals with its street animals project.

Undertaking various projects that will contribute to the society particularly in its refinery cities with the responsibility of being the leading industrial corporation of Turkey, Tüpraş continues its support for feeding street animals. Improving the living conditions of street animals with all of its staff by using the food left over from its cafeterias, Tüpraş also makes a contribution to its “Zero Waste” approach, which the company has adopted throughout its business processes.

Tüpraş has not forgotten the street animals, which have difficulties finding food during the pandemics as restaurants and cafés are closed, and people stay at home. Accordingly, the company provides support to animal shelters from its refineries in Izmit, Izmir, Kırıkkale, and Batman with the help of municipalities.

Tüpraş, which has been supplying the food left over in its Izmit and Izmir refineries to animal shelters since 2020 and Kırıkkale and Batman refineries since 2021, will continue to provide food for street animals until the end of this year.

Food and breads within the mess kits, which are returned from the site as unopened, are also stored by the catering company for street animals under appropriate conditions. All the food is kept under appropriate temperature and conditions until they are delivered.

Leftovers to be provided to street animals are collected by refineries for several times in a week and distributed to animal feeding points in certain periods determined by relevant municipalities. The food received from refineries is distributed to street animals in shelters by municipality officers or volunteering animal lovers directed by the municipalities.