Tüpraş Released its Sustainability Report for 2019
The company invested 311.5 million Turkish lira in R&D and environmental management, by integrating sustainability into all its processes from supply chain to after-sales operations in 2019. Tüpraş CEO, İbrahim Yelmenoğlu: “We have placed United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at the center of our sustainability understanding. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the entire world to its core and this reminds us that we must put the sustainability perspective, which we consider is the solution to all these problems, on our agenda, both as a company and as individuals.”
Tüpraş, upholding its leadership in sustainability management with its pioneering practices besides the added value it generates, published its Sustainability Report for 2019. The company informs its stakeholders with its reports about not only social, economic, and environmental impact of its operations but also, about socially responsible, innovation, and digitalization-focused projects it has developed.
The report, which covers the period from January 1, 2019, to 31 December 2019, presents sustainability aspects of the operations of Tüpraş and the company’s contribution to the circular economy.
“Pandemic once again reminded us the significance of sustainability”
Tüpraş CEO, İbrahim Yelmenoğlu said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the entire world to its core, and this reminds us that we must put the sustainability perspective, which we consider is the solution to all these problems, on our agenda, both as a company and as individuals.” Referring to the sustainability perspective of Tüpraş, Yelmenoğlu said, “We continue to fulfill the energy needs of our country without interruption despite this difficult period in the world. With our sustainability-based production policies and corporate responsibility approach, we put the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at the center of our sustainability understanding we have been developing since 2008. While we continue our operations uninterruptedly under any circumstances, we work to integrate sustainability into all our processes, from our supply chain to our after-sales operations.”
Yelmenoğlu stated that Tüpraş continues to improve the safe working environment it offers to its employees, whom the company has always considered as its’ most valuable asset, and continues to train the qualified workforce of the future. “We have supported and followed up the efforts to create an inclusive working environment for long years in refining industry, which is considered as a male-dominant industry. Corresponding our practices that support this approach, we recruited women field operators and technicians in 2019 for the first time in our country’s refining industry.”
Sustainability Journey of Tüpraş in 2019
We focused on energy efficiency and reduction in utilization of resources in production and contributed to circular economy with our projects.
- In 2019, we allocated 268 million Turkish lira for environmental management and investments.
- Owing to our energy-saving and modernization efforts, we reduced our energy density index from 99.1 in 2018 to 98.4 in 2019.
- Tüpraş protects water resources and works to minimize its negative impact on biodiversity, thanks to its practices to reduce water consumption in refineries and reuse wastewater in processes. While the coverage ratio of recycled water in water consumption was 41 percent, water consumption per crude oil processed was reduced to 0.6 cubic meters per ton.
- Regarding waste management, the initial aim is to decrease the amount of waste, classify, and recycle waste at its source to manage it and, thus contribute to the circular economy.
We draw strength from our R&D and Innovation capabilities and our Qualified Human Resources.
- We invested 43.5 million Turkish lira in R&D in 2019.
- Tüpraş R&D Center was granted an incentive of €6 million with its 12 European Horizon 2020 projects.
- As a part of our innovation efforts, we assess all new technologies and business models and create areas to implement these innovations in our operations.
We create value added with our responsible value chain.
- Tüpraş continued contributing to our economy in 2019, achieving a local sourcing rate of 80 percent.
- We invested in scrubbers in three tankers in compliance with the rule of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) that mandates a maximum sulfur content of 0.5 percent in marine fuels.
- We signed an agreement for Turkey’s first hybrid locomotives.
We contribute to social development with collaborations.
- The “Our Energy for the Future: I code, I model, I produce” project was implemented in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of National Education to improve the access of new generations to technology.
- We continue our collaboration with Fenerbahçe Sports Club and the UN Women’s HeForShe Iniative, a global solidarity movement for the advancement of gender equality, to raise awareness in the field of gender mainstreaming guided by our slogan, “Our Energy for Equality.”